

The production of components on the construction site is characterized through high climatic and weather risks. Due to this even a modern production is not possible there.
To ensure high quality products for our customers we are striving for prefabricated industrial products. This requires experienced employees who have the knowledge to plan accurate components based on reinforced concrete, laminated timber and steel.
This planning is made with modern CAD-Systems who ensure data transfer to further production lines.

Vorgefertigtes Bauteil

Construction of structural parts

Wall and ceiling elements and also columns and beams benefit from the use of laminated timber. The advantage for these components are clearly their full load capacity directly after assembly. This delivers another important aspect for the use of prefabricated products, which can be easily produced in nearly every geometric form and size in our production facilities. The high quality and the combination with different building materials offer the possibility to use structural parts as design elements.

Construction of assembly kits

In addition to wooden structures for industrial constructions we also build:

  • bridge constructions
  • special construction
  • roof trusses for residential and commercial buildings, churches, etc.
  • carports, pergolas
  • wooden frame constructions
  • supporting structures for sports and cultural facilities
Vorgefertigtes Bauteil CCL Meerane Vorgefertigtes Bauteil CCL Meerane Vorgefertigtes Bauteil CCL Meerane Baustelle HIT Torgau